Strategic and Tactical Items.

I. Vision
Reflect upon where you have been, where you are, and where you wish to go. What are your ultimate intrinsic desires? What will be your work? What will be your purpose? How will that purpose lead to you fulfilling your vision?
II. What Matters
When it’s all said and done, and you’re taking you last breath, what do you want to have accomplished in your life? What really matters to you?
III. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)
What superior skills do you possess? What are you good at? What areas need some development in order to realize your potential? What opportunities do you have in your life that could assist you in achieving your performance objectives? What barriers or threats do you have that could keep you from achieving you performance objectives?
IV. Driving Forces
What drives you? What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What will make your life worthwhile? Are there overriding driving forces in your personal life that help you to guide which paths to take? Identify them, define it, and analyze them.
V. People Management Tools and Skills
What tools and skills do you plan to use during your career that you have either acquired or sharpened from information gained in this Management and Leadership course.
VI. Systems Map / Organizational Relationships
Create a systems map which details the following items. With you in the middle, draw a map incorporating each important organization, group, or individual which has an impact on you. These may include not only positive influences, but also negative ones. How much influence do these individuals or groups have upon your actions? Do they overlap with each other, or are they unrelated?
VII. Competencies, Competitive Advantages, How and Where You Can Win
Where have you demonstrated success so far in your life? What are you proud of? Out of the self-assessment of your SWOT, which of your strengths will help you to achieve your personal vision and performance objectives?
VIII. Performance Objectives
What are your financial objectives? What are your strategic objectives?
IX. Worry List
What management and leadership challenges confront you, which of your competitive shortcomings need fixing, what obstacles stand in your way of improving your competitive position in the marketplace, and what specific problems merit front-burner attention.
X. Implementation and Execution Plan
Craft a year-by-year plan encompassing the next 10 years of your life. Embedded in this plan, but not necessarily explicitly stated, will be your purpose and your vision. Use the information and tools you have learned in this Management and Leadership course to contribute and create value for you and others in your future.
Part C: There are two sections to Part C:
I. An Evaluation and Assessment of this Experiential Project.
II. List the 5 most important items you learned in this course that you have used or will use in the future to create Value for yourself or others. Cite specific examples of each of the 5 items.
There are no right or wrong answers to this Experiential Project, only your answers. This is a Critical Thinking, Reflecting, and Analysis Skills Project. This project will be evaluated by me by you fully addressing each of the items listed above in all the three parts of the plan.

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