The role of digital information management in society and in particular contemporary organisations

You are required to undertake a research assignment illustrating the role of information management (IM) in Cloud Computing. D. Analytic, Governance, Security and Quality, this will form your theoretical I perspective/literature review. Choosing from this literature apply any three information management i concepts or frameworks to a digital service organisation. Discuss from three theoretical perspective how the role of information management supports and builds sustainable competitive advantages into the digital service. The theoretical perspective should be used to critically analyse the strategies developed by one organisation (individual analysis); Google search engine. Google cloud services, Google plus. Amazon e-business platform, Amazon cloud services, eBay e-business platform, Microsoft 365 cloud computing. Apple iPhone, Apple Store application platform, Android I platform, Android applications, Facebook social network and applications, SharePoint , Wikipedia, Huffington Post content platform, Netflix. Zynga game applications, Apache open source software platform. Linkedln free and premium services, PayPal payment system, Square payment system, Twitter, etc.

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