Policy Analysis

Select a health care policy and a policy analysis framework to utilize

Write an 8- to 10-page analysis paper in which you succinctly address the following:
• Part 1: Define the policy issue.
o How is the issue affecting the policy arena?
o What are the current politics of the issue?
o At what level in the policy making process is the issue?
• Part 2: Apply a policy analysis framework to explore the issue using the following contexts:
o Social
o Ethical
o Legal
o Historical
o Financial/economic
o Theoretical underpinnings of the policy
• Include in this section:
o Who are the stakeholders of interest?
o Is there a nursing policy/position statement on this health care issue? If so, who developed it?
• Part 3: Policy options/solutions
o What are the policy options/solutions for addressing the issue? Include at least three levels of options/solutions: no change; partial change; radical change or maximum change.
o What are the theoretical underpinnings of the policy options/solutions?
o What are the health advocacy aspects and leadership requirements of each option?
o How does each option/solution provide an opportunity or need for inter-professional collaboration?
o What are the pros and cons of each suggested change? Include the cost benefits, effectiveness, and efficiency of each option along with the utility and feasibility of each option.
• Part 4: Building Consensus
o Outline a plan for building consensus around your recommended option/solution for solving the policy issue.

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