Night and other scholar articles

  • Research Paper Despite being written in 1958 – over 60 years ago – Elie Wiesel’s Night is a powerful memoir, an .unforgettable message that this horror must never be allowed to happen again.”TaskFor this assignment, you will do some additional research in order to write a research essay (minimum , 6 pages) connecting a topic in Night to modern times.Helpful Questions – Brainstorming Springboards:To find your topic, you can draw inspiration from yourself, your friends a. family, your community, your country, etc. What have you heard, read, or talked about that could connect with this book?:How have things changed since the 1940s? How have things stayed the same?Things to Think About:As always, do not be afraid to define a specific, narrow focus. It may be especially useful, as you are gathering sources, to see what overlap exists and use that as a guide to help you find a more specific focus.:For this paper you must use Night along with at least 4 additional sources, at least 2 of which must be scholarly.:As usual, you should include specific reference to the texts (including direct quotations) to support your paper. Be sure to cite everything l:Remember to consider the medium. What is it about literature – and Night in particular – that is able to connect with people today? What is the power of literature as opposed t a historical document?:While you should still be considering literary devices fo

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