Pot whole issues in Chicago Illinois

• Write an essay proposing a solution to a problem. Choose a problem faced by a community or group to which you belong, and address your proposal to one or more members of the group or to outsiders who might help solve the problem. Consider the following to ensure you’re response reflects the purpose of the assignment.

  1. A Focused, Well-defined Problem
    What is the LOCAL problem you’ve identified? (does the thesis indicate the local problem, audience, and solution?) The local problem lye identified is poorly fixed roads in the city of Chicago. tvlultiple pot wholes are fixed repeatedly due to poor material used, causing incidents to vehicles as well as creating traffic issues.
    Which approach have you settled on? I settled on moving the masses due to knowing multiple Chicagoans who feel the same about the roadways,
    Who is your audience? My audience would be residents of Chicago, city officials, as well as frequent travelers of the roadways. I feel as if that over the great majority of the individuals would side with me that the issues does exist.
    How have you framed the problem for your readers? The allignment regarding the framing of my problem would be statistical information and city reimbursed fees reporting for damages to vehicles year over year. I would also incorporate several several news segments regarding this issue.
  2. A Well-argued Solution
    How have you decided to explain how your solution would help solve the problem? My proposal for better funded material for fixing the streets and pot wholes keeps in mind the safety for families, drivers, and also vehicle owners who can relate to the matter.
    How will you explain how your solution would help solve the problem? I will compare another majors city roadways and streets to ours and show the accident rate and government spent money regarding poor roadway incidents.
  3. An Effective Response to Objections and Alternative Solutions
    How have you addressed the refutation or concession? While funding the city through tax payers money for better material for roadways, the rate of accidents, innocent deaths. and traffic jams will fall below average with a better job done. 4. A Clear, Logical Organization
    Which outline option have you selected? I will be writing in the format to readers who acknowledge the issue as well as being open minded for a successful solution.

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