Classical Sociological Theory

  1. In Chapter 13, “Learning to Labor,” by Paul Willis (Hechter and Horne 2009), Willis
    describes a case that exemplifes theories of power and authority. Explain how theories
    of power and authority account for the social order of the Hammertown School and the
    factories where their fathers work. Then, choose two different theoretical perspectives
    from the fve we have considered during this course to explain how they, too, might
    account for the social order of the lads and their world. Explain the theories
    thoroughly with supporting detail from the excerpts of the theorists (i.e. not the
    commentary by Hechter and Horne) as you apply them to the case.
  2. In Chapter 18, “The Live-and-Let-Live System in Trench Warfare in WWI,” by
    Robert Axelrod (Hechter and Horne 2009), Axelrod describes the case of trench
    warfare during WWI as an example of how the social order can arise spontaneously in
    social life. Explain how this case is an example of spontaneous order. Then, choose
    two different theoretical perspectives from the fve we have considered during this
    course to explain how they, too, might account for what happened in the trenches on
    the Western Front during WWI. Explain the theories thoroughly with supporting detail
    from the excerpts of the theorists (i.e. not the commentary by Hechter and Horne) as
    you apply them to the case.
  3. In Chapter 31, “The Peace in the Feud,” by Max Gluckman (Hechter and Horne
    2009), the tribes and clans of the Nuer demonstrate a case of little or no government.
    Explain how the theories of networks account for the social order that exists among the
    Nuer. Then, choose two different theoretical perspectives from the fve we have
    considered during this course to explain how they, too, might account for the relative
    lack of government among the Nuer. Explain the theories thoroughly with supporting
    detail from the excerpts of the theorists (i.e. not the commentary by Hechter and
    Horne) as you apply them to the case.
    For all essays, be as specifc and clear as possible and be careful to consider only those
    theoretical arguments that are relevant to your analysis. Each essay should be about 4-5
    double-spaced, typewritten pages (using normal 12-point font and 1” margins) for a total
    of about 8-10 pages. Provide a bibliography at the end of each essay.
    Good luck!
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