Role of science and/or technology

Review a movie in which science and/or technology play a prominent role; this can include movies such as “The Fly,” “Frankenstein,” “Terminator,” ‘Multiplicity,” “Dr. Strangelove,” “Star Wars,” *Star Trek: The Next Generation,’ “The Net,” “The tvlatrix,” “Avatar,” “Ex Machina,” etc., but documentaries are not acceptable. In the review, you will first summarize the plot of the movie. You will then analyze how science and/or technology are treated in the movie. Are they portrayed as a bane or a blessing for humans? How do they effect relationships among people? Are they equated with progress; and if so, in what sense? Who benefits, and in what ways? Who does not benefit? How do they affect people:s sense of themselves and of the world they live in? Do they make people feel more powerful, or more powerless?

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