• The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system grants foreign corporations and investors a special legal privilege: the right to initiate dispute settlement proceedings against a govemment for actions that allegedly violate loosely defined investor rights to seek damages from taxpayers for the corporation’s lost profits. Essentially, corporations and investors use ISDS to challenge government policies, actions, or decisions that they allege reduce the value of their investments… The ISDS undermines the important roles of our domestic and democratic institutions, threatens domestic sovereignty, and weakens the rule of law.’ Excerpt from 220+ Law and Economics Professors Urge Congress to Reject the TPP and Other Prospective Deals that Include Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). 7 September 2016. -ENDS-Critically assess the claim that the ISDS system undermines national democracy, sovereignty and rule of law. The paper should be 2750 words long

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