A Qualitative Analysis of the Impacts of Social Media Marketing On Customer Satisfaction.

Management Research Project This is the final component of your assessment, which includes a quantitative or qualitative assessment of your data that you have obtained previously through designing your own questionnaire and surveying either face-to-face or online via using such tool as “SurveyMonkey”. You are required to survey at least 30 or more respondents within your network, and then record the data for exploratory purpose. Both quantitative and qualitative presentation of data is acceptable. Your assessment is based on a 5000 word (including bibliography, footnotes and tables) final summary report on your research findings that include an executive summary, an introduction, a statement of the research problem, literature review, the research question and the hypothesis tested, research methodology and the data collection method, a concluding section outlining the major research finding, and the validity and limitations of the research project. If you undertake a quantitative data analysis then you will run statistical technique to assess and explore the strength of relationships between variables related to your hypothesis. However, if you would prefer the qualitative approach, then you would undertake either a thematic or template analysis.

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