Difference between the Greenhouse effect and the ENHANCED Greenhouse effect

1) What is the difference between the Greenhouse effect and the ENHANCED Greenhouse effect? How do each have an impact of the planet?

2) In the video, Rising Sea Levels- Changing Planet, NAME 3 EFFECTS of rising sea levels in some of the US’ major coastal cities?

3) According to the video, Rising Sea Levels- Changing Planet, in DETAIL, explain what TWO events are causing sea levels to rise?

4) According to the video. Rising Sea Levels- Changing Planet, Explain in DETAIL two ways that Arctic glaciers are melting?

5) According to the video, How Whales Change Climate, explain in DETAIL the role whales play in sequestering carbon from the atmosphere

6) What affects do Greenhouse gases have on: Biodiversity, species habitat, human health, the economy and society? Give some DETAILED examples of EACH.

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