The impact the politics and society of the slave states

Cite from the Davidson text, lecture, and primary sources in your answer. After you post your answer, be sure to respond to at least two other students. In the discussion boards, the best answers will provide references to several different sources, as well as consider all sides of a given question.
Describe the proslavery view of white Southerners in the years after 1815. What were the most important causes or origins of this view, and how did proslavery ideology impact the politics and society of the slave states? Your answer should also analyze how pro-slavery Southemers were challenged by slaves, free African-Americans or others in the U.S. at the time. What were the results? I need 3 sources: 1. One from the textbook (Author’s name: James West Davidson, Name of the book: A Little History of the United States.) 2. One from the lecture notes. (Author: D. William E. Weeks) 3. One from the primary sources (Author: Dr William E. Weeks)

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