How communication operates or fails to operate

1.Compare and contrast the ways in which two of the authors studied in this class use narrative perspective in their short stories in order to convey certain ideas. Build an argument about how and why first-person and/or third-person narration are used to construct a certain perspective on the issues the stories deal with.You may choose 2 stories that deal with the same issue (theme), but are told from 2 different narrative perspectives. OR you may choose 2 stories using the same type of narrative voice, but creating a different effect.
2.Often short stories focus on individuals facing a crisis. Discuss what two short stories tell us about the individual’s struggle against larger forces.
3.Discuss the ways in which two short stories studied in this class depict the home. Is the home a safe and comfortable space, or is it a space of conflict and resentments? How is that significant?
4.Discuss the ways in which two short stories studied in this class depict nature. Whats the role that the natural world plays in these stories, and how is that significant?
5.Discuss how communication operates or fails to operate in two short stories studied in this class. What facilitates and/or impedes the characters’ communication? And how is that significant?6.A topic of your choice.

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