Exegetical Paper – Exodus 24. 1-11

  1. Write an exegetical paper on Exodus 24. 1-11.
  2. Sample paper (attached)
  3. I sent you 3 sources (required materials) so that you can develop the exegetical paper (see sample paper). Notice that YOU MUST FOLLOW AND WRITE UNDER THE CATHOLIC DOCTRINE (Bible on Catholic thoughts)

  4. -Introduction
  • Historical and Cultural Criticism
  • sources of the writer of Exodus, its purpose, and specify in this passage Exodus 24. 1-11
  • Literary Context
  • Literary Style
  • Analysis ( explain every verse in this passage)
    — notice prefigure “blood” in The New Testament.
  • Applying this to Christianity today/my personal reflection.
  • I will send you 3 materials (primarily to use)
  • You can help me 2 more sources (understanding the passage under catholic thoughts)
  1. Please make footnote clearly (specify the number of pages)
    Finally, when you finished any part of the paper, please send me this part so that I can make double check

Revision comments:
Section Analysis is too simple, not good. Please read carefully the material, especially Victor Hamilton and Brant Pitre so that you can understand every verse (you must follow commentary on passage, not your ideas). Materials that I sent very important to analyze the passage. Please make the reference clearly in the section analysis.

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