Mobilizing a health program for chronic illness prevention

For the first (1st) question below, please pick one for the following health issues identifies as salient in Bowe County’s most recent community health needs assessment: vaccination, adolescents’ pregnancy, gunshot wounds, or type 2 diabetes.

1-Draft a logic model for the program (health needs assessment of choice).

2-Imagine that your healthcare organization is starting a health program for chronic illness prevention (i.e., diabetes, obesity, asthma, etc.). You have been charged with leading a team to address the health information technology issues related to that program. What steps would you take? What would be your top three (3) concerns?

3-Choose one article pertaining to your topic that you submitted for assignment #1
Prepare an annotated bibliography of one source you will use in developing your proposed program. In this way, each of you will have a few key citations related to program planning that may be useful for future reference. You MUST one article about evidence-based successful programs that are as similar to the one you will design. No exceptions are allowed.

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