The Annual Budget of the local jurisdiction of Memphis

From the Annual Budget of the local jurisdiction of Memphis, TN, respond to the following questions in a 3 page paper:
Your jurisdiction’s budget is based on spending and revenue decisions made by its political leadership—mayor, city or county manager, council or commissioners. How is the Annual Budget linked to community goals and needs? Who proposes the budget? Where is it discussed, and what body has the final say on what is included and how the necessary funds are raised? Are there quantifiable measurements of progress articulated in the budgetary documents and resources?

Explain, using Chapter 6 of Hyman (2014) on “Performance Measures and Government Budgeting in Practice”. Are there any performance statistics or management-by-objectives information presented in the budget or in accompanying material? Do you think that cost effectiveness analysis is as important as political considerations in justifying the level of overall expenditures or special initiatives? Explain, using the information about the political process from Chapter 5 in Hyman (2014).

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