Porcelain Capital of China

Analysis of the Communication between Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture & Creative Industry and Southeast Asian Countries——Based on the Perspective of their Operation Management
Paper details:

PhD research proposal study area: operations management

Operations management, Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture & Creative Industry, Southeast Asian countries, Communication

Introduction about Jingdezhen ( Porcelain Capital of China)


  1. INTRODUCTION (provide a broad yet meaningful of the subject matter under
  2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS (between 3-5 only and should correspond with
  3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES and Statement of Problems
  4. LITERATURE REVIEW (Should be fairly extensive and cover the major as well as most recent works. Provide a critical appraisal of the works under review and not mere summaries. These can be addressed in a thematic manner as well.) important
  5. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY (e.g. the work’s contribution to knowledge)
  6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method;
    methods of obtaining data i.e. primary & secondary sources, interviews
    (structured or semi-structured); methods of sampling, etc.)- library research, lab work, field work, historical documentary, interview, survey, evaluation and analysis important

Phd research proposal (operation management )
Title of research proposal:

Analysis of the Communication between Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture & Creative Industry and Southeast Asian Countries——Based on the Perspective of their Operation Management

Operations management, Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture & Creative Industry, Southeast Asian countries, Communication

Introduction about Jingdezhen ( Porcelain Capital of China)
Please see the Wikipedia about this city https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jingdezhen

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