Policy recommendation that can increase worker happiness.

The modern-day workplace may provide a higher economic standard of living, but this often comes with drawbacks, which concern sociologists and other social scientists. Some of these concerns focus upon the lingering effects of alienation and emotional and physical exhaustion from the modern-day work environment.
Write a 500 word essay (2 pages) in APA format, addressing the following:
Analyze the role of scientific management in the early 20th century, and explain how scientific management maximized the division of labor.
Argue for whether or not you think the principles of scientific management are applied to the modern-day workplace, including 21st century white-collar work.
citing reading material, is the modern-day workplace as alienating today as it was in the past? Why or why not?
Is the “emotional labor” demanded of service sector workers unhealthy for human beings, or is this a natural and expected change in a worker’s skill set? Explain in detail.
Finally, after doing your own independent research concerning vacation policies in at least one other developed country, provide a policy recommendation that can increase worker happiness.

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