“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

, 1. Although this story begins with comedy, ultimately it shocks many re,, ers. Did it shock you? Why, or why not? What would you say to some one who argues that the shift in tone is a flaw in the story? 2. Note places where the word good comes up in this story. How is it de. fined? Do the definitions change? Do you think the author has in min, a definition that does not occur to the characters? ifs, what might that definition be? 3. What in his life history is The Misfit unsure about? Why do you think he is hazy about these matters? Should O’Connor have resolved for us as the issues of fact that bother him? Why, or why not? 4. Does The Misfit have any redeeming qualities? Does the grandmother? Explain. What do you think the grandmother means when she murmurs. ., “Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children!” (para. .. 136)? Why do you think The Misfit responds as he does? , There is much talk about Jesus and Christianity in this story. Should ‘O’Connor have done more to help non-Christian reader, see the story relevant to them? Explain your reasoning.

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