Bottom-up Theory Report over the Information Processing Theory by Philip Gough


Bottom-up Theory Report over the Information Processing Theory by Philip Gough. 6 pages APA.
Make sure to answer all of the following questions.
Historical Background and Biographical Sketch of Theorist(s)
What question did this theory seek to answer?
What historical events led to the development of this theory?
Who was the theorist(s) who discovered this theory? Provide a brief biographical sketch of her/him/them.
What drove her/him to propose this theory?
Components of the Theory
This is the “meat and potatoes” of the report. Provide a well-developed explanation of what the theory proposes.
Define key terms and concepts related to the theory.
Write this section with the novice in mind who has absolutely no understanding of the theory.
Include properly-cited charts and figures to illustrate the components of the theory, if necessary.
Effect on Student Literacy Achievement
Use GALILEO, Google Scholar, etc. to find at least three contemporary (within the last 5–7 years) studies/articles from reputable, peer-reviewed journals (see list of some acceptable journals in syllabus) to demonstrate how knowledge of this theory and its practical application in the classroom can elicit higher levels of student literacy achievement. (If you need additional help with finding articles or summarizing them, please reach out to the UWG Ingram Library for support.)
Emphasize the methodology and major findings of each study. Consider these questions as you summarize each article/study:
What question(s) did the researchers set out to answer?
Discuss the participants (e.g., age, grade level, ethnicity, gender, etc.).
What instruments were used to collect data?
How were the data analyzed?
What were the major findings of the study?
Compare and contrast the studies cited. How are they alike and different?
Classroom Application and Technology Integration
In many respects, this is the most important section of the report. How does theory become practice? How does understanding the intricacies of this theory affect what educators should do in their classrooms?
Make sure you provide specific, concrete examples, including how technology can be utilized to teach literacy under this theoretical paradigm. Discuss applicable technology resources and explain the value of each.

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