Reasons for allowing students to collect and chart their own assessment data

What are three reasons for allowing students to collect and chart their own assessment data? Describe why each are beneficial for students and what students might do with this data.

Data collection and assessments allows teachers the ability to evaluate student learning and areas of strength and concern. The combination of these resources gives teachers the tools necessary to scaffold instruction that supports student needs, based on the charted data. For students, it serves as an important resource as well. These reasons include: self-awareness, progress monitoring, and goal-setting.

It is valuable for any individual to be knowledgeable of their own skills. In order to achieve goals, it is important to understand what works for that individual and what does not; what you’re good at or what you struggle with. Being aware of these strengths and weaknesses can put students in a position to improve their areas of concern by reptitious practice and incorporating their best attributes. For example, if a student has mastered addition, but struggles with multiplication, they can use their addition skills to aid in the comprehension of multiplication.

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