Career Management Recommendation Proposal

Career Management RecommendationImagine you are an HR associate. Your task is to make a recommendation to your corporations’ CEO to establish a Career Management Program (this can be the CEO of your company, or of a hypothetical company; if you prefer, you can imagine I am the CEO you are proposing this to). The recommendation should be focused on a specific topic that is relevant to the organization and would enhance it through implementation of your proposal.The Career Management Recommendation should be of sufficient length to cover the subject, but thorough in your answers. Even if you do not know numbers, such as budget, put them in; I don’t check for authenticity, but it makes your proposal stronger. You also should have at least two peer-reviewed sources to support some points made (why your proposed action is valid, the problem you’ve identified, etc.). Be sure to add appendices to strengthen and support your recommendation
The components of your recommendation are as follows:

  1. Executive Summary
    A brief summary of the identified problem and reason for the proposal, including the recommendation and key points.
  2. Recommendation
    A clear, concise summary of exactly what you are recommending.
  3. Justification
    In general terms, why do you recommend this action. This section should summarize the key reasons for your recommendation.
  4. Background
    This section substantiates your recommendation. It provides the details. It contains the following subsections:
    a. History of the Issue:
    Details and demographics on the company.
    Past practices
    b. Symptoms vs. Causes:
    What conditions (e.g. turnover, morale, complaints, and cost) indicate the need for action?
    What variables have changed thus causing these symptoms to appear?
    Have you distinguished between fact, opinion, and your own inferences?
    c. Cost Implications:
    What are the annualized costs and benefits of the proposed program?
    Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
    What will be the impact on the HR budget?
    d. Legal Implications:
    Are there any legal risks involved?
    How do you plan to deal with the legal risks?
    e. Relationship Implications:
    How do the employees feel about this issue?
    Can you expect supervisors and managers to implement the new policy, practices and procedures? If so, how will they be informed and trained?
    How will the outside public react to this recommendation?
    Will it impact recruiting and retention?
  5. Other company practices:
  • How do other companies handle this issue, i.e. their current practices?
  • What published survey results are available?
  • Have you done a survey of company employees?
  • What do the survey results tell you?
  1. Timing:
  • How quickly must the issue be resolved?
  • What is your time frame for implementation?
    • Evaluation of Alternatives
    o What other alternatives did you consider?
    o What are the advantages of each alternative? Disadvantages?
    o List them 1, 2, 3, etc.
    o What value or weighting should be assigned to various advantages and disadvantages?
    o What elements are essential for your recommendation?
    o What elements are desirable?
    o What is your evaluation of each alternative?
    • Implementation
    o What specific actions must be taken to put your recommendation into effect?
    o What is the implementation timetable?

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