Social Work – Treatment paper for stress, crisis and coping

In the final stress, crisis and coping paper, each student will pick two stress, crisis or coping related problems, consistent with the course description, content and textbook. Problems MUST be discussed in the text or course and address with two interventions also discussed in the class materials, compare, and contrast them in a formal paper.
In order to complete the paper correctly with adequate conceptual complexity:
? Search for Blooms Taxonomy of Critical Thinking Skills online and incorporate analysis, comparison and contrast, synthesis and evaluation into your arguments and presentation for using the two-selected interventions as supported by references and videos to address stress crisis or coping issues self-selected for your paper.
? the format should be APA style, 7-10 pages. Page length is a requirement.
Follow the outline as below:

  1. Introduction Purpose of Paper
  2. Comparison of Two Stress Crisis or Coping Problems and Two Intervention Models
  3. Description of the two models (History, Techniques, etc.)
  4. Comparison and contrast of the two models
  5. Synthesize observations and analysis and an evaluative component or strategy to determine the efficacy of your interventions if applied. (See Bloom’s Taxonomy).
  6. Conclusions, implications and/or recommendations
  7. References (Journal articles and Video electronic references (video references located in your Online course material), only 1 text book citation is permitted, with only 1 additional text citation.
    At least 10 references and citations are required.
    Grading Matrix – Treatment Paper
  8. How well were text or course inclusive theories, skills and research knowledge included and well referenced in APA style? Was an evidence informed practice approach present, in your argument and justification? Was the theory comprehensive and substantial? Were the interventions described appropriate, for the problems selected from the course materials?

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