“Work and Play” Book Analysis

The authors in the chapter, “Work and Play” rely on concrete examples and specifics to illustrate their points and convince you of the validity of their arguments.

As you write your essay, consider what informs your views. In what specific ways has your work history influenced your thinking about work? How has it informed your thinking about what you do and do not want in your work life? How has your background impacted your conception of the role you want work to play in your life in the future? Rely on examples and concrete detail from your work history, current work situation, and future work plans in order to be as specific as possible as you describe what informs your views.

Rely on your experience—perhaps you will draw from the job(s) you’ve held, perhaps you will use your role as a student, perhaps you will focus on your role as an athlete, etc.

Incorporate quotations from and analysis of at least one of the readings from the chapter, “Work and Play.” This analysis should add depth and breadth to your essay.


• A clear thesis statement—your interpretive claim about the subject (the role of work in your life).

• Analysis of at least one of the readings from the chapter, “Work and Play.”

• Quotations from the readings. Be sure to follow MLA format. Go to “Course Documents” for an example.

• Specific examples to illustrate your points.

• A works cited entry for each text you cite. (REQUIRED to earn a passing score).

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