Exploring Acts and the Growth of the Church

Assume you are an investigative reporter for the Greek newsparchment called, λόγος Ἀθῆναι [Logos Athēnai]. The editor has tasked you with writing a story on the journey of the Apostle Paul and the communities he visited on his three missionary journeys. Using the travel itinerary in Acts, write a news article documenting the characteristics of the cultures he visited and the issues he faced in teaching in their churches. Use traditional reporting practices that tell who, what, when, where, why, and how these events unfolded.

For your sources cite the biblical text, the course textbook, and other sources you might consult. Because this is a news story, direct quotations should be limited to the actual dialogue statements found in the biblical text. Cite the biblical Book and Chapter as you unfold your news story–you do not need to cite the specific Bible verse except for the direct quotations. Be sure to give your news story a descriptive headline (title). The New Testament passages to consult:

Acts Chapters 13-15

Acts Chapters 16-18

Acts Chapters 19-20

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