The process of a court decision (federal or state)

Find a court decision (federal or state) within the last 5 yearsinvolving the violation of an EEO law
Paper details:

Make sure your source is credible and provides enough information about the details of the case. If you use the EEO newsbrief, try to find the actual pdf of the case or use some of the websites or a google search on the case # so that you will have enough information. Cases must involve a health care organization. The case must have been resolved. Do not discuss an ongoing litigation.

  1. Briefly summarize the main argument of both sides of the case (i.e., what was the employee’s complaint/what was the employer’s justification for acting as they did?)
  2. Provide an analysis based on the merits of the case and your understanding of the EEO law in question (what EEO law was violated, what are the main tenants of the law, how was the law allegedly violated, etc.).
  3. What was the resolution of the case? (i.e., who was found at fault, financial damages, etc.)
  4. Provide at least two specific recommendations that would have prevented the employer from being sued. Use HR terms and concepts introduced in the course. Explain why you think these recommendations are important to avoiding EEO litigation.
  5. Cite and reference your sources using APA style.

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