Will China’s rise lead to a hegemonic war with the U.S.?

This thesis is expected to be an argumentative bachelor thesis made of 10 000 words (+/- 10 %, excluded Abstract and the literature review
The thesis should contain

  • Abstract: 150 -200 words
  • An introduction: Between 500 and 600 words
  • Literature review: 300 – 350 words. Here, the focus should be on primary books/research papers that are used for the thesis.
  • A background of the thesis: Around 4000 words
  • A Discussion: Between 4000 – 4500 words
  • A conclusion: Between 400 and 500 words.
  • References: At least 40
  • Writing style: Times New Roman
  • Size: 12
  • Space between the line: 1,5

Source system
Example of the source in the text.
• One author: (Berlin 1969:33)
• Two authors: (Kellstedt and Whitten 2009:35)
• Three authors first time: (Adams, Jones og Smith 2002), thereafter (Adams et al. 2002).
• Organizations: (Greenpeace 2007)

Monograph (A book written in its entirety by one or more authors):
Last name, First name, year of publication: Book title (in italics), edition. Publisher: Publishing place.
Kellstedt, Paul M. og Guy D. Whitten, 2009: The Fundamentals of Political Sci-ence Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Online Sources
Last name, first name, year of publication: “Title of article”, Website name (in italics), Date [Reading date]
Meland, Astrid, 2010: ’ – At jødene har så stor innflytelse faller på sin egen urimelighet’, Dagbladet (Magasinet på nett), 3. mai http://www.dagbladet.no/2010/05/03/magasinet/israel/politikk/utenriks/11473951/ [Lesedato 31.05.2011]
Greenpeace, 2007:. ’Tell David Miliband that our oceans need Marine Re-serves now!’, Advocacy Online, 16. mai http://www.advocacyonline.net/eactivist/user/userC.jsp?12910&EXAMIN=1 [Lesedato 17.06.2008]

Some of the relevant authors and books:
Allison, Graham, 2017: (Destined for War), Boston- New York, Haughton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Lai, David, 2011: (THE UNITED STATES AND CHINA IN POWER TRANSITION). Army War Coll strategic Studies Inst Carlisle Barracks Pa.
Mearsheimer, John, 2004: “Why China’s Rise Will Not Be Peaceful”,
Friedberg, A. L. (2005). The Future of U.S.-China Relations: Is Conflict Inevitable? International Security
Charles Glaser: Will China’s Rise Lead to War? Why Realism Does Not Mean Pessimism
Friedberg, A. L. (2000). The Struggle for Mastery in Asia. Commentary , 17-26. Friedman, E. (2007). China’s Return to Global Glory. Global Dialogue ,
Jisi, Wang. (September/October 2005). China’s Search for Stability with America. Foreign Affairs , 39-48.¨
Mearsheimer, J. J. (2010). The Gathering Storm: China’s Challenge to U.S. Power in Asia. The Chinese Journal of International Politics , 381-396.
Mearsheimer, J. (2001). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Medeiros, E. S. (2009). The New Security Drama in East Asia: The Responses of U.S. Allies and Security Partners to China’s Rise. Naval War College Review , 37- 52
Nye, J. S. (2010, November/December). The Future of American Power: Dominance and Decline in Perspective. Foreign Affairs 89: 2-12.

Layne, C. (1993). The Unipolar Illusion: Why New Great Powers Will Rise. International Security 17(4): 5-51.

Sutter, R. S. (2006). China’s Rise: Implications for U.S. Leadership in Asia. Washington D.C.: East-West Center.
Walt, S. M. (November/December 2011). The End of the American Era. National Interest .
White, H. (2008). Why War in Asia Remains Thinkable. Survival , 85-104.
Xuetong, Yan. (2010). The Instability of China-U.S. Relations. The Chinese Journal of International Politics , pp. 263-292

(Plagiarism is taken extremely seriously and can lead me to fail the entire year plus dismission from the course for 2 years. It is extremely important to be as plagiarism free as possible)

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