The letter is written to Written to Said foundation Scholar ship for Mohammad G. who is applying for scholarship to pursue his master degree in England.
As per Said Foundation the recommendation letter must contain the below:
How long you have known the candidate.
? You should comment on their role in the activity and how long they have
? You should also write about the candidate’s commitment to the role and provide
details of any notable achievements.
? You should write about their leadership potential, their commitment to their home
country and their personal, intellectual and interpersonal qualities.
and must be wriiten is the below way:
be written in English, signed by you and provided on official headed paper where
? include your contact details (both a telephone number and an email address). If the candidate you are supporting is considered for a scholarship then the Saïd Foundation will contact you to verify the information you have provided in your
? be written in support for a Saïd Foundation Scholarship application. References that
have been written for other purposes will not be accepted.