Identify Competitive Advantage Weighting: 15%
• Based on the selected opportunity regarding the current situation of the company you have analysed via the SWOT, describe how this marketing plan will strategically fit with the organisations overall business plan (Use Porter’s Generic Strategy Model, and Ansoff’s Growth Matrix model).

Marketing Objectives Weighting: 10%
• Develop 2-3 Marketing Objectives: Clearly state up to three objectives that will assist in implementing the opportunity/issue identified for the forthcoming 12 months using S.M.A.R.T goal setting criteria. Explain how these goals link to the identified issues.

Segmentation, Target Market(s) and Positioning Weighting: 20%
• State and justify which segment(s) you intend to target and how will you position the product/service for the target market(s)?
o Outline the segmentation bases that are most feasible to segment the market with homogenous consumer behaviour influences, needs, wants, and demands.
o Develop a target market profile, and determine the type of target marketing strategy to be employed.
o Determine the positioning strategy, and using a spider graph or positioning map, outline how the SBU will sit in consumers mind compared with their closest competitors.

Appropriate Marketing Mix Weighting: 20%
• Develop each element of the Marketing Mix to create strategies to achieve the objectives for the opportunity outlined.
• Outline the elements and tools that would be best used and the links between the marketing mix elements in your plan to create a cohesive and implementable plan.
o Ensure you apply appropriate marketing concepts and frameworks to demonstrate the development of each of the 7 P’s strategy.

Implementation & Control Issues Weighting: 10%
• Develop an Action or Gantt chart to show the operational tasks of who will perform what tasks, including a timeline of when the strategies/tasks will be implemented.
• Attempts should be made to provide KPI’s to monitor the performance of each marketing mix elements implementation. Quantifiable metrics are those to which numbers can be attached, such as the numbers of sales leads obtained, customers reached and dollar amounts achieved. Qualitative factors include measures of customer satisfaction.
• Identify and briefly analyse any potential global, ethical and social factors that may need to be considered in the implementation of your marketing plan tactically and strategically by the company.

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