Book Club

Book to read and do assignment on: Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown

Instructions: To be a good change management consultant, you must understand how the typical employee reacts to change, including such reactions as acceptance, rejection, acquiescence, and so on. We cover this in a single module in this course, but naturally the field of psychology is rife and ripe with examples of how humans understand change. To this end, for this assignment, you must pick one of five evidence-based books on the human mind and complete the assignment as written below. None of these books specifically talks about the change management process. It is up to you to make connections between the book’s main points and what it means for reactions to change. Remember: if you fail to understand how the human mind processes and judges change, no matter how elegant your intervention, you will fail to implement it. If you enjoy change management, I strongly encourage you to read as many evidence-based books on the human mind to garner a better understanding of opportunities (and weaknesses) in the brain that can assist you in implementing change.

For your selected book:

  1. Create an “executive summary” of this book that highlights its main points. (approximately 1-2 single-spaced pages)
  2. Prepare a list of four lessons learned from this book about how employees might accept, reject, or otherwise react to the change (1-2 paragraphs each). You might provide hypothetical examples.

Your Book Club assignment will be graded based on three criteria: (a) accurate summary of the book (50 points); (b) compelling presentation of material from book (25 points); (c) professionalism and clarity of writing (25 points).

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