Moving to accept a new position

Complete an outline for the academic paper that is the final written assignment due in Week 7. The outline body must have the following sections:

A definition of good decision making (based on a synthesis of research you conducted on published experts in decision making)
One example of an important decision you made in the past, if that decision ended up being good or bad and your analysis of why it ended up that way.
Based on a synthesis of research you will conduct, what are the things that one should consider before making a decision about the same important thing you did.
Remember – This is an outline of a report you will create in the future. The outline should tell the reader what information each section of the research paper will contain. Here is a partial list of important decisions that students have written about in the past. You may choose one of these or write about some other important decision you have made in your life.
Deciding to have or adopt a child
Moving to accept a new position
Making a mid-life career change
Deciding to quit your job without another job prospect
Starting a new business with at-risk personal assets
Deciding to declare bankruptcy
Deciding to seek a divorce

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