Environmental chemistry

2) Describe the current problem, using at least two articles you researched on the internet (they do not have to be scholarly research articles, but they should be describing research into the problem, they should not be merely opinion articles). Your articles can be news articles from professional journalism sources. In addition, you may use your textbook as a third source. You must cite the articles you are using. For the problem to be current, it must be in the news within the last 5 years. a) Identify at least one chemical or chemical reaction that is involved in the problem: (For example, if you were addressing water quality, your chemical reaction might be the creation of acid rain from sulfur dioxide in the emissions of burnt fossil fuels)b) describe how the chemical or chemical reaction is detrimental to the environment or humans. c) Identify government regulations that exist that apply to the specific problem (you will want to consult the website of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) or the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and list these as specific sources of information. 3) Describe a potential solution that involves chemistry using at least one additional article researched on the internet. (again it does not have to be a scholarly research article, but they should be describing chemistry research into the problem. a) Identify at least one chemical or chemical reaction that is being researched as a solution. It could be an alternative substance that is safer or cleaner, or a way to remove or clean up a contaminate through a reaction, or a way to make a chemical process greener and more sustainable. b) identify the group that is working on the solution and why they are interested in itc) Identify both the benefits and the challenges that are involved in implementing the new solution.

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