Art and Technical Advances invented

Use Chapters 17 through 20, Stokstad and Cothren’s Art: A Brief History
Over the three centuries that are covered in chapters 17 through 20 in the course eTextbook, many new
techniques were utilized by artists in their creation of major artworks. Technological developments
helped artists and architects express ideas in new ways.
Choose and fully identify three (3) works of art or architecture and discuss the specific technological
development that made each work possible. For each work, analyze how the technological development
enabled the artist or architect to express ideas in new ways. Since you answered a similar question on
the midterm, make sure that your choices are all technical advances discovered AFTER the year 1700

“Neither of the masks shown below was meant to be exhibited in a museum case for an art-loving public
seeking a cultural experience. Both took on their primary meaning in the process of the performance of
a cultural ritual. Discuss the ways in which an understanding of the ritual context is necessary if we are
to grasp their cultural meanings for those who made them and saw them in use. How did these objects
end up in museums?

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