Intro to Biology: The Scientific Method

Visit the academy website (link provided below) and do the following:

  1. Watch the two Intro to Biology videos (Videos: Biology Overview and The Scientific Method)
  2. Read the four articles (Articles: Preparing to Study Biology, What is Life, The Scientific Method, and Controlled Experiments)
  3. Write a paragraph summary for each of the items listed above (6 total paragraphs). For this assignment a paragraph is considered 5-8 sentences.
  4. Be sure to type your paragraphs and include the name of article or video you are writing about above each paragraph. Do not plagiarize or write the information provided for you in the articles or videos. Write a summary based off of YOUR INTERPRETATION of the article/video and why it is meaningful/important and what you learned that you either didn’t know or what topics you learned more about.
  5. Place your heading in the top left corner of your paper (see example below)
  6. Your assignment must be typed in Microsoft word or the google docs equivalent

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