Organizational Development & Change: The need for change, barriers to change, what inspires us to change

After watching these three videos, 1) Who Moved My Cheese (, 2) That Used to be Us-from 24 minutes (, & 3) Miss Ernestine (, discuss the need for change and some of the barriers to change. What inspires us to change? What doesn’t? What lessons can we take away from these three videos and share with others? Directions Discussion boards are an all or nothing assignment. You either receive full credit or none at all. There is no partial credit. To receive ANY credit for the discussion board, you must meet ALL of the following criteria: Do NOT describe or restate the content of the discussion reading or video. Instead, choose one or two points that you find interesting/important and elaborate on those points in your discussion. Do not answer the questions in the topic as a list. Answer in essay form. A minimum response is 300 words. Every initial response is required to include, minimum, two scholarly or peer-reviewed resources in addition to your text to support your response. Our library allows you to choose these settings to help you find appropriate research to support your work. Do NOT use, wiki-anything,,,, blogs, or any other generic answer base, because you cannot verify the accuracy of the information on the website. Instead, search our extensive library databases to find articles that have contain verified information to support your discussion. If you find a blog from a notable source, you can include that information, but the blog will not count as one of your scholarly references. There are several articles in Course Materials and Web Links that you can, and should, use as references to support your discussions. Every response must be completed in APA style. That includes all citations, both in text and reference, and format, given that Canvas sometimes changes the format when you post. This includes indented paragraphs, font size, and other particulars that you will find specified in the APA manual. You will find an example of a paper written in APA style in Course Materials. Also, the APA style manual is a required text for this course. Discussion boards do not require cover pages, tables of content, and other front matter, and can be copied and pasted from a draft page, such that attachments are not necessary. Technique counts, so be sure to proof read your posts for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other technical issues that can impact communication quality. Again, if you do not meet all of these requirements, you will not receive any credit for the discussion board. Below, you will see a checklist that will help you insure that your work meets graduate standards and decreases the likelihood that you will suffer oversights. DB Checklist Did I discuss rather than describe the original content? Is my post 300 words or more? Did I cite the original content as well as two scholarly sources to support my work? Did I support my discussion with reliable sources only? Did I integrate course and text material? Did I adhere to APA style? Did I respond to all questions and comments in my discussion thread? Did I proofread and make corrections prior to posting? Was my work reviewed by for plagiarized material and corrected prior to being posted?

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