Awareness of Anyang Citizens on City Parks in Anyang

The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational, social, and environmental effects of city parks on the citizens in the city of Anyang, South Korea. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 30 days from June 23, 2018 to August 27, 2018, and a sample group consisting of 1,080 participants in Anyang. The cognitions of awareness to effects and preferences of urban parks were analyzed.
The cognition level of urban parks is in a very high state, a. the level of satisfaction in experienced groups was high. In addition, intentions of participation in the future were very high. The potential capability of urban parks is very strong. In motivation and purpose of urban park activities, such as ‘…to increase the physical a. mental health of its citizens’, ...for hobbies and leisure', and increase the city's air, water, and visual quality' were shown as high frequency. In cognition towards the overall effects of urban park activity,Health promotion’, and Improving the local environment’ were shown

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