Ethical News Story

Instructions: PART ONE—Write 500-600 word paper that is written as a news story, and give an analysis of a recent (last three years) management scandal involving ethics, corporate social responsibility, or environment sustainability. Connect the news story you present with the need for ethics and social responsibility in strategic planning. How could a more effective strategic plan affect the issue(s) included in the news story? NOTE: This paper will not be examined for APA compliance, but will be checked for appropriate source verification. Therefore, show your sources clearly (using citations is the most effective way to link sources with references). The writing should contain a minimum of three scholarly citations/references beyond your textbook (use the APUS Online Library as resource). A title page and references page are required, but APA will not formally be graded.

Journal Articles:

Fyke, J. P., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2013). The ethics of conscious capitalism: Wicked problems in leading change and changing leaders. Human Relations, 66(12), 1619-1643.

Okantey, P.O. (2013). When values and ethics lead the way in organizations. Strategic Leadership Review, 3(2), 23-29.

Shaukat, A., Qiu, Y., & Trojanowski, G. (2016;2015;). Board attributes, corporate social responsibility strategy, and corporate environmental and social performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 135(3), 569-585. doi:10.1007/s10551-014-2460-9

Yang, N., Colvin, C., & Wong, Y. (2013). Navigating corporate social responsibility components and strategic options: The IHR perspective. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 12(1), 39.

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