Quick Books

Respond to the questions below using short-essay format. A short essay consists of the following:
An introductory paragraph in which you introduce the concepts that you are planning to discuss (without any details)
At least one body paragraph in which you explain your ideas and support them with at least one citation from the textbook. See the introduction lesson for proper citation format.
A concluding paragraph where you wrap up your ideas (without introducing any new ones)
Your essay will be graded based on its completeness, the inclusion of citations from the textbook to support your ideas, and college-level writing. Discuss any questions with your instructor before submitting your work.

  1. In this lesson, you learned about the distinctions between QuickBooks versus a manual system. Discuss the differences between the two systems. What would be the advantages of computerized accounting in QuickBooks over a manual system? Why do you think QuickBooks eliminated the use of special journals? Explain your answer.

2.If you were to open a small business, would you use a computerized or a manual accounting system? Explain why you would make that selection.

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