Rough Draft of Final Proposal on Problems Experienced by Jurors in Civic Jury Decision-Making

Attached is the rubric and one of the resources, please tell which one you would like to use and I can screenshot the link for you. You must use at least 3 of these sources.

Project Resources
In this course, you will synthesize quality research so that you can use your findings to develop your own solutions to contemporary issues. Psychology Today and other such publications developed for the mass consumer market are NOT appropriate resources upon which to base the research that informs your solutions in these projects. Below is a list of quality resources that are critical to your ability to map cognitive psychology concepts and theories onto real-world situations. Your work should be informed by a variety of resources from at least three of these publications. Use these resources to identify current research (less than five years old) and statistical findings that will inform your interpretation of the foundational theories in this course.
Shapiro Library Resource Guide for Undergraduate and Graduate Psychology Students
You are not limited to the publications listed below for informing your work. For additional research, you may wish to use this guide provided as a main jumping- off point to source quality research. This guide organizes and provides psychology students and faculty links to the Shapiro Library resources available in this field of study.
Association for Psychological Science
The Association for Psychological Science (previously the American Psychological Society) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology and its representation at the national and international level.
Cognitive Psychology
This journal offers articles that focus on new theoretical advances in the study of attention, memory, language processing, perception, problem solving, and thinking.
Cognitive Science
This multidisciplinary journal brings together researchers from a variety of fields including but not limited to psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and education, which will be valuable as you seek to apply your solutions in the fields of education and mental health.
Cognition, Technology & Work
This journal focuses on human interaction with technology in the context of work and working conditions, which will be valuable as you seek to apply your solutions in terms of interaction with technology in the workplace.

Law & Psychology Review
This journal combines the disciplines of law and psychology, which will be valuable as you seek apply your solutions specific to issues of law.
Memory & Cognition
This journal covers topics including but not limited to human memory and learning, conceptual processes, and problem solving.
Psychological Science
This journal offers the latest findings in cognitive, social, developmental, and health psychology, as well as behavioral neuroscience and biopsychology.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
This journal provides a topic for research in cognitive science, which brings together the fields of psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, and neuroscience, among others.
Topics in Cognitive Science

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