Learning Reflection/Portfolio Piece

Week 10’s learning reflection is designed to provide you and your instructor with evidence of your mastery of the learning outcomes of the course. This exercise is also intended to require you to take ownership of your learning through a mindful reflection. It pushes you to take time to deepen your understanding of the content and learning outcomes.
Review the learning objectives for the course.
Learning Objectives (LOs):

  1. Examine contemporary theories and practices of dialogue.
  2. Model techniques of active listening.
  3. Demonstrate skills and processes that enhance productive dialogue.
  4. Establish common ground, shared understanding, and mutual benefit when in conflict
  5. Research and articulate contrasting perspectives.
  6. Develop stakeholder list for the Capstone Action Project.
    ARTIFACT(S): Choose one or more examples of the work you have produced in this course that show you mastered/achieved the LOs. You can choose a discussion post, reflection, project, or paper to demonstrate mastery. These examples are considered ‘artifacts’ of your achievement. You may choose one artifact for all of the LOs, one that shows mastery of two or more, or one for each of the LOs. This is up to you. Be clear about which artifact shows achievement of which LO.
    APPLICATION: You will need to provide a rationale detailing how the artifact shows the learning objective was achieved. This does not need to be more than a reflection, but the connection to the LO needs to be clearly explained.
    Make sure you attach your artifact to the rationale. You do not need to cut and paste it into the document, but clearly, indicate which artifact is associated with which LO.
    CHANGE: After providing the rationale for each LO, please provide a reflection on the course as a whole and how the learning has affected a change in your behavior, future plans, or perspective. This change could be in your personal, professional life or societally.
    FORMAT: Label the sections of your rationale with the headings: Artifact, Application, and Change. If you find it helpful to use charts and/or tables please do so.
    By the end of the course, you may have work that has come close to showing mastery of the LO, but you now have a deeper understanding of the subject and are able to analyze your previous work and apply that knowledge. You may provide a rationale that explains how the artifact provided can be improved to show mastery.
    In summary:
    • List each Learning Objective for the course
    • Post an artifact(s) for each LO
    • Provide a rationale delineating which outcome it addresses
    • Provide a rationale for how the artifact addresses the learning outcome OR provide an analysis of how you could improve the artifact to show mastery of the learning outcome
    • Detail an example of how you applied the learning in your personal or professional life – this may be a change in attitude or your thought process
    • Address ALL learning outcomes for the course
    • Please see rubric below for additional criteria
    Mechanics: There is no minimum word count for this activity. If you follow the instruction and your rationale and change piece are complete, then you do not need to continue. (The length of the rationales typically range from 500-1500 words.) The rubric will be used to assess your work. This reflection is worth 100 points out of the overall 10% of your grade, which is about 5% of your grade.
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLearning Objective Achievement Artifact 50.0 pts
    Artifacts and rationale fully demonstrates mastery of all of the overall course level LOs in the course. 30.0 pts
    Artifacts and rationale contain sufficient evidence that the student has demonstrated competency in the LO. 10.0 pts
    Artifacts and rationale demonstrate some evidence of competency in LO achievement.
    50.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentifying Learning Objectives 10.0 pts
    Each LO is clearly labeled and the connections with the LO are clear. 5.0 pts
    3-4 LOs are clearly labeled and connections with the artifact are clear. 0.0 pts
    The LOs are not labeled or differentiated and the rationale is unclear about the relationship of the artifact to the LO.
    10.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence of application of learning to personal and/or professional life 25.0 pts
    Rationale of learning provides clear examples of the effect of the course learning on personal and/or professional experiences. 13.0 pts
    Rationale provides examples that are simplistic in their explanation of how the course learning had an effect on personal or professional. 0.0 pts
    The rationale is insufficient in describing how the learning was applied to personal or professional life.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evidence of Change or Plans for Change in Rationale 25.0 pts
Rationale provides examples of how the course learning changed behavior, attitude, or future plans on a personal or professional level. 13.0 pts
The examples in the rationale are not clear or too simplistic in providing evidence of change in behavior, attitude, or future plans on a personal or professional level. 0.0 pts
The rationale is insufficient in describing how change was affected on a personal or professional leve

NOTE: During your Capstone course, you will be compiling a portfolio of your work which demonstrates your skills and competencies in mastering the learning objectives of each course. This activity helps build your portfolio as you go.

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