Qualities of a good business leader

Discussion board post.


Jimmy… this is a weird one. I dont quite understand the prompt? This professors a whacko. I guess you can either pick one of the three choices to write about, or write a little bit about each one. I dont know and i dont care. Your choice.

As 4th year business majors I’d like you to research the Shake Shack IPO. (It happened in 2015) I have a question and a thought. Where did the IPO money go? (did it go to financing expansion or into the pockets of the people who started Shake Shack…………(Did the original owners get rich on this IPO)? On the first day of trading the stock more then doubled. Well If I’m one of the people that brought the company public should I be furious with the investment bank that priced the offering low…….(we brought in half the money we could have on the offering)……….the stock more then doubled the first day, Did the investment bank interpret the demand totally wrong?

I’m a conservative financial professional – Can someone explain Bitcoin to me. It’s pricing seems to be a rollercoaster.

Elon Musk? Up in smoke? Is his behavior that of a business leader? What were the Rockefeller drug laws in the 1970’s?

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