Scientafic methods


  1. Exam assignment research design
    Below you find the introduction to a scientific article that reports on a study of the use of external scientists to solve R&D problems in firms. Your task is to analyze the way the authors formulate their research problem, using Van de Ven (2007). In particular, you can draw upon chapter 3 in your analysis. Also state an argument whether you approve to the way the authors formulated their research problem or not. Your discussion should be no longer than 500 words.

Article: Bradach, J. L. (1997). Using the plural form in the management of restaurant chains. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42: 276-303

  1. Exam assignment qualitative methods
    Based on the methods literature and your own experience with working with qualitative data and analysis, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of qualitative data analysis and coding according to the proposed ”Gioia method” (as for instance discussed in the Gioia, Corley and Hamilton, 2013, paper). Discuss the following (Maximum 750 words total):

a) What are the main opportunities provided by the Gioia method for coding and analyzing qualitative data in the social sciences? Draw on the Gioia paper but also other methods literature to argue for this approach.

b) What are the major drawbacks of this approach to analyzing and coding qualitative data? Reference methods literature to argue for your answer.


Scientific methods in Business Studies
Take home exam 2019
Evaluation guide

Assignment 1: Research design and problem formulation (maximum score: 20)
Four areas have been evaluated: – Selection and explanation of appropriate framework with criteria for assessment of problem formulation (such as e.g. Van de Ven, 2007). – An analysis of Jeppesen & Lakhani’s (2010) problem formulation using this framework, with explicit references to both framework and examples Jeppesen & Lakhani’s (2010) text to illuminate the analysis. – Provision of a sound and valid argument for or against the problem formulation using both framework applied with backing from Jeppesen & Lakhani’s (2010) text. – General composition and argumentative force of the argument in its entirety, by logic and by backing through concrete examples included.

Assignment 2: Qualitative Methods (maximum score: 40)
Three areas have been evaluated: – Reasoning about the benefits and main functions of the Gioia method, including both its benefits for working procedures and for presentation of qualitative research. The opportunities of the method to contribute to scientific advancement should be recognize. The answer should reflect a sound reasoning about these features, and the core elements of the method as it is specified by Gioia et al. – Reasoning about the major drawbacks of the Gioia method, both for the working process and for the results of the analytical process. The answer should recognize problems and limitations of the use of this particular method for the resulting analysis. – General structure of the argument, the way the answers refer correctly and adequately to methods literature, both from the course and from other sources, and the use of own reflections from the coding exercises.

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