Rhetorical Analysis



  • Introduce the paper you plan to analyze.
  • Identify the author and describe the circumstances under which the paper was written. (You may have to guess based on the content and purpose.)
  • Give the full title of the paper, when it was written and who was the intended audience.
  • Describe what you think was the writer’s purpose: What did he/she want to achieve? What do you think the author wanted the reader to think or do after reading this paper?
  • Identify the rhetorical appeals and strategies used by the author, and identify those that you plan to discuss in your analysis (preview statement).


  • Write one paragraph on each of the rhetorical appeals/strategies you mentioned above
  • Define the rhetorical appeal/strategy you are going to write about (you may quote or paraphrase from your course readings)
  • Quote or paraphrase 2-3 examples from the paper that illustrate the use of that appeal/strategy
  • Explain how or why the example illustrates the appeal/strategy and how the appeal/strategy contributed to author’s purpose


  • Summarize briefly the main points of your analysis and
  • Explain the significance of your analysis by considering the following questions:Was the author successful in using the various rhetorical appeals and strategies for the intended audience and purpose? Give examples.What changes might you recommend to the author to better achieve his/her purpose?

Strategies: Narration, Description, Exemplification, Definition, Comparison and Contrast, Process Analysis, Division and Classification, Analysis of Cause and/or Effect.
Appeals: Logos, Pathos, and Ethos

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