Bioinorganic chemistry/ metals


Kindly read below the rubric for the term paper and presentation powerpoint,
The term paper and powerpoint can have the same outline. The article has been attached

1)The Background information on the “system” that is being studied (in most cases this will be a metalloenzyme, but it could also be a small-molecule metal complex or a metal storage
Note: you will need to be very careful to keep this section very brief during your presentation and try to put your presentation in context with assigned readings and other lectures.
a) What is the biological function and/or medical relevance of the system? In what species is this
system found, and from which species is the system best characterized? If this is a protein, is it part of
a family of related proteins, and if so, what are some of the names of the similar proteins?
b) What is the metal involved?
c) What is the coordination environment of the metal?
d) What is known and generally accepted about the chemical role of the metal and its coordination
environment in carrying out the function of the system?

2) Summary of the focus article you’ve chosen. Aim for about three pages in your paper (not
counting figures and tables you decide to include); this will be the section on which you will spend most of your time for your talk.
a) What unanswered question are the authors seeking to answer? Note: in choosing the paper, on
which you focus, make sure that this question involves the structure or reactivity of the metal center –
i.e. has a bioinorganic “flavor”. If in doubt, please consult me.
b) What technique(s) are the authors using? If it is a long paper with multiple experiments and
techniques, you may choose to focus on one of the more important techniques. What is the physical
basis for this technique?
c) In your presentation and paper, show at least one figure or table containing experimental data from
your focus article, and explain the interpretation of the data in the figure or table. What is learned about the system from this experiment?

3) Other recent results on this system. I’m looking for the basic idea of where research in this area
is going – not a comprehensive literature review. What other things are being learned about the system? Have any further studies build on the studies of your focus article (try a citation search using either Web of Science or SciFinder)? What are some still unanswered questions that are motivating further research on the system that is the subject of your focus article?
Presentation: it should be a Power-Point presentation.
Question: One of these questions should suppose that the figure or table with experimental data is
also included with the question. One should be based on a simple fact about your system that you hope your listeners will take away from your presentation. Two of the questions should be based on the reading assignments from your assigned readings in the course and maybe only peripherally related to your particular focus article. I will approve your questions or make suggestions for modifications. If I suggest modifications, please make them within a day, so that I can post the
questions no more than two days after you make your presentation. I may make some modifications to your questions after you have submitted them to focus the questions on concepts and information that I believe is the most important for the class to learn.
Term Paper: The outline for the term paper was already given above. Overall it will be about six or seven double-spaced pages, not counting figures, tables, and references. Please follow the “ACS Style Guides” Use a reference style found in chemistry journals using superscripted numbers in order of
occurrence. For your paper, avoid citations to web sites unless you cannot find the information in a refereed journal article (and in such a case make sure it is a trusted web site such as one of those suggested by textbook). If you find a pdf of a journal article using an online search, you do not need to include the URL and accession information just the normal journal citation information). I will be looking for citations to at least three journal articles (including your focus article) in sections 2 and 3.
It is OK to refer to review articles and/or book chapters, especially in section 1.

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