French & Russian Revolution


In 1793, during the French Revolution, laws passed mandating that confiscated land from emigres be auctioned off in smaller parcels so that the poorer classes might have a chance at land ownership. Furthermore, if inhabitants of a village agreed, they could divide up common lands amongst themselves. (See French Revolution: Radical Phase)

In 1861, Tsar Alexander I emancipated Russian serfs making provision for them to become landowners too.

Part 1

Write an essay in which you compare and contrast French and Russian efforts at land reform, discussing: The context in which land reform became possible, motivations, methods, and outcomes.

(so given you are covering 4 areas here, you will be writing something like a 6 paragraph essay 2 -21/2 pages in length.)

Part 2

Write an additional paragraph or 2 at the end of your essay about similar American attempts in this same period, to make land available to people who formerly could not be landowners. – Again, what made it possible? What were the motivations, methods and outcome?

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