“Tongue-Tied” by Maxine Hong Kingston

Use “Tongue-Tied” by Maxine Hong Kingston as an example. In the article Chinese girls were silenced. Write an essay in which you describe and examine a time you were for silencing someone. to try silenced. Perhaps you were responsible Perhaps you gave someone the “silent treatment” in order and control them. no may, instead, write about those aspects of Use silence if they are more appropriate to your experience. this inquiry as a way of comparing your experiences with Kingston’s or another of the essayists whose work we have read. those of Make sure you weave in an essayist’s quotes to support your point Also, cite the Base your discussion on of view. Average a quote every other paragraph. page from which the quote was taken. both the readings and on your own experience. Keep your audience in mind. read the article (s) to which you refer. instance.) Do not assume that your reader has (Explain “frenum,” for instance.)

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