Identification of Terms

Parts IA and IB: Identification of Terms (10 points each)

Identify fully FOUR terms from Part IA and the ONE term from Part IB in a concise paragraph (for each term) format (no bullets!) which must contain at least five sentences. Make sure to include specification of “who, what, when, where, and why significant” in your descriptions.

Part IA: General Terms (PICK FOUR)

John Smith Martin Luther

John Calvin Mercantilism Jamestown

The Enlightenment Pequot War Bacon’s Rebellion

Part IB

The Seven Years War

Part II: Essay (50 points)

For this portion of the exam, respond to ONE of the following questions. Be sure to include specific reasons and details to support and illustrate each point you make.

1.Since the Reformation, Religion has been a catalyst for several endeavors. Drawing from your lecture notes, briefly discuss the origins of the reformation beginning with the reign of Henry VIII, and the events of the reign of his daughter Mary Tudor. Finally compare and contrast the Pilgrims and the Puritans based on their views on religion, how were they alike?, how were they different? Be sure to include specific details.

2.The origins of slavery in the United States date back to the seventeenth century. Colonists preferred Africans as slaves rather than indentured English servants. Drawing from your text and lecture notes, write an essay in which you explore the origins of slavery as well as the colonists perception of why Africans made better slaves. What were five reasons they justified the use of Africans? Finally, analyze how the Carolina Colony was founded and why slavery was essential to their way of life. As always, be sure to include specific details.

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