“Juvenile Delinquency”, Peter Kratcoski

You must complete your paper using Microsoft Word. Follow this instruction sheet and format and you will do well. As a criminal justice professional you will be required to complete a variety of paperwork all too very specific standards. Your ability to follow instructions is key to your success both here and in your chosen field. Failure to follow the specified format will result in a grade that you will not be pleased with. You will submit your paper electronically through the Term Paper Tab in Canvas. Papers may be turned in at any time from day of assignment through the final due date. All times shown are Eastern Time. No late papers will be accepted!
Your-paper will be typed using a 10 or 12 point New Times-Roman Font. Your paper will be from five to seven pages double space in length, this means full pages not partial pages (this length does not include the title page, the work cited- page or the material directly cited from your sources). Margins will be one inch on the sides, top and bottom. Margins must be set by you as the default setting in Word is different than this paper requires. You will have five separate and distinct references, and each will be cited a minimum of one time within your paper. Failure to cite you references in your paper will result in a 0 for the paper.
Each cite will be in quotation makes with a number-following it. For example “This is how it must look” (1). No other method of citing is acceptable. Each time you place a cite within your paper it will get a new number. Numbers must be in sequence.
A work cited page will be prepared and will list the following information; for books, magazines and newspaper articles you will have the Title, Author, Publisher, Date Published and Page number where the information came from. For Internet you will have the complete Internet address and the date you found the material on the Internet. Each time you cite a reference a new number will be used.
The grading procedure for the papers will be as follows:
The paper is worth 100 points towards your final grade. Papers with less than 5 full pages or more than 7 full pages will lose 15 points for each page or portion of a page that is short or over. Each spelling or grammar error will result in the loss of ½ point. Failure to follow the instruction on this sheet will result in the loss of 5 point for each instance. Late papers will not be accepted. Papers are due by 23:59 on the day determined by the instructor.

Work Cited Page

  1. “Juvenile Delinquency”, Peter Kratcoski, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, 1996, Page 472
  2. Internet: http://dui.findlaw.com/dui/dui-overview/dui_basics.html Dec 19, 2006
  3. “Juvenile Delinquency”, Peter Kratcoski, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, 1996, Page 118
  4. IBID
  5. Internet: http://dui.findlaw.com/dui/dui-overview/dui_basics.html Dec 19, 2006

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