Annotated Bibliography;Society, Interaction, and the Individual


Society, Interaction, and the Individual

Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography (100 pts)
Due: Sunday of Week 7 by 11:55 p.m. ET

Note: This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is graded, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

The purpose of this assignment is for students to:

1) identify and learn about a topic in Sociological Social Psychology that is of interest to them;
2) become familiar with the online library resources; and
3) to develop some information literacy skills.

Students will develop an Annotated Bibliography based on a topic in Sociological Social Psychology that is of interest to them. A minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources and 5 popular and/or open-web sources will need to be used in the bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance and quality of the sources cited.

The completed assignment will include:

1) List the topic in Sociological Social Psychology that you chose to investigate for this assignment. (e.g. symbolic interactionism, doing gender, socialization over life course, mental illness, prejudice, etc.)
2) List of search terms you used in your searches (i.e. dramaturgy, stratification, gender, etc.)
3) Annotated entries for a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed articles and 5 popular and/or open-web sources (see below for what should be included in each entry)

Each source entry should include the following:

1) APA-formatted full reference for the source

2) Brief description of the source

3) Evaluation of where the source came from – i.e. peer-reviewed journal, blog, website, etc.
4) Brief discussion of how the source is relevant to your topic of interest

5) Brief discussion of the source’s strengths and weaknesses

Check this link for sample APA-style Annotated Bibliographies: []

Please be sure to use sources and format citations in the APA citation format.

Grading Rubric

View the grading rubric so you understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment. Click the grid icon at the top of this instruction page, or the grid icon under “View iRubric” on the main Assignments page.

The Week 7 Assignment 3 meets the following course objectives:

CO4: Identify social psychological sources of and consequences of structural inequality
CO5: Compare and contrast key social psychological theories including Symbolic Interactionism, Exchange Theory, and Micro-structural Sociology as tools for analysis in varied areas of social life
CO7: Critically evaluate sociological research and theories on how larger structural conditions impact the individual, emphasizing issues of race, class, and gender.
CO8: Apply concepts and theories to analysis of field observations, interviews, and archives

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