Financial analysis of the wind turbines and an accompanying report that explains and justifies methodology

Provide a detailed financial analysis of the wind turbines and an accompanying report that explains
and justifies methodology, summarises findings and recommends an appropriate subsidy for local
government to contribute, and highlights limitations with the analysis and recommendations. To
complete this task, your manager has requested the following:

  • The financial analysis is to be completed in Excel. The file is to be easily adjustable for different
    scenarios and all inputs must be in the one sheet called ‘Assumptions’.
  • The report is to be short (600 words + 20% tolerance) and written for a person with a basic
    understanding of financial analytical tools as the investment team will provide the report to local
    government and the Port of Brisbane. The report should have the following sections:
    o Summary: Brief outline of task, methodology and recommendation.
    o Methodology: Explains and justifies the selected evaluation metric.
    o Recommendations: Summarises the economic viability of the wind turbines without the
    subsidy and recommends a minimum annual subsidy required to
    ensure the project’s economic viability. The analysis is to be
    completed for the project with a 20-year and 40-year life, where the
    40-year life includes an overhaul of the wind turbines after 20 years.
    o Limitations: Highlights the key limitations with the analysis and recommends
    additional analysis to alleviate these limitations where appropriate.
    Wind Turbine Information
    Case Study Disclaimer
    Please note that the proposal here is for educative purposes only. We do our best to ensure that all
    numbers and all other aspects of the proposal have some basis in reality but recognise that errors may
    occur. Finally, please note that the Port of Brisbane, CASA and all other relevant authorities have
    provided no input into this proposal and are not aware of this proposal. Finally, for those interested,
    some of the development aspects required for wind farms in Queensland is detailed here:

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