The Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer


The Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a software tool used by IT professionals to scan Windows-based systems to identify missing security updates and configuration issues. The tool is available here. Be sure to choose the appropriate version (64 or 32-bit).

This week use the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer to scan a Windows system over which you have control. Write a report that discusses your experience with the MBSA as well as the results of the scan. Please make sure that your written report addresses the following:

Whether the tool was easy to use.

Whether the scan results were easy to understand.

What risks were identified in the scan and whether they were critical, etc.

Why the risks were identified (in other words, why would the areas of concern be important to the system’s security).

What steps need to be taken to rectify the issues/secure the system.

Please feel free to use screen shots, tables and/or charts to share or organize the findings. Keep in mind, however, that any screen shots, tables and/or charts should be in addition to text rather than in place of text.

Your submission should utilize the course’s standard written report format and all references should be cited using APA style. For more information about this format and APA, please refer to Getting Started.

If you are unable to run MBSA on your PC because you are using Windows 10 (it should work with most versions, but may give you an error) or an operating system other than Windows, you may use the file below to complete your written assignment.

The tool:

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